Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weight Loss Jars

My SIL Amy came over today and while the men worked on the boat we got to craftin. She needed some glass rocks and ribbon which I had. Her man made her some vinyl stickers and we put them on. Counted out rocks, for how many pounds she had already lost and how many more she needs to lose. After we did that we decided it needed to be made pretty, so we found some ribbon to put the finishing touches on. She left me some stickers so I can make a jar for me.....ONE DAY I will start.

WHAT A CUTE IDEA!!! I TOTALLY Loved it and had to take pictures while we were working

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes

I have seen this photo around on Etsy and Pinterest and decided to make my own. I did it on Word (I really need to learn Photo shop). It was real simple, the only hard part was making it a jpeg. So I had to save it in Word as a PDF then I had to open it in Adobe and save it as a JPEG. The quality wasn't perfect but as soon as I learn Photo Shop I am sure I could do it better. OR if you had a photo printer at home you could just print it from Word on photo paper and be good.
Then I had it printed at Costco for $2, I painted the edges of my canvas to try and match the grey. I then mod podge the photo onto the canvas, let dry for 20 minutes. Then put a top coat of Mod Podge on top. Let it dry completely. Then I found some ribbon, stapled it on back and tied it at the top. I hung it from the ribbon but I also used Command Velcro to help take the weight off the ribbon

At the bottom it says
"What a Difference A Day Makes"
I put everyone birth dates and names in order of oldest to youngest.
I have also seen it without names just dates which was cute also
I blurred out our dates just for safety of course:)

Okay I tried my hand at photoshop and made this....what do you think????

Friday, May 4, 2012

Kitchen Sink Storage

I found this organizer at the Dollar Store for a $1. I had it for a while, trying to figure out where to put it. I wanted it for my bathroom cabinet but it was a tad to long. I tried my kitchen sick door and it fit perfectly. I had to trim the corner to fit under my child lock and I removed the cord it came to hang it with. I raided my husbands barn and found some short screws and his drill. I pre-drilled 2 holes and screwed it up. Perfect for those small items that always get lost under the sink.

I used a little duck tape to hold it in place while I marked my spot

Emergancy Candles

On Pinterest I came across this pin on how to make your on 50 hour Survival candles. It looked easy enough so I ordered my supplies and got started. I ordered my wicks and 5 pounds of soy wax from Amazon, I got my jars from Walmart. I put it off for a bit I was a little nervous melting wax on the stove and was thinking the best way to do it. So I researched a little bit more and decided to try melting the wax in my microwave in my Pyrex measuring cup. What do you know? It worked and was easy. I did all 12 candles in about 1/2 hour, I was all done before I had to take X to preschool. Now all I have to do is run to the dollar store and get some matches. Here is the blog I followed and has really good instructions.
I think they are good for 40-50 hours
I spent $40 for all my supplies and made 12 candles so that is $3.33. I could have gone cheaper buying my wicks and bases separate but my husband placed the order for me. But now I have like 90 wicks left for more candles. It was the shipping that killed me.
5 pounds of Wax: $9.25 + $5.49 shipping
Wicks: $7.50 +$7.50 shipping
12 Jars from Walmart $9

I hot glued my wickes in

 I melted the wax a little at a time, I didn't want an explosion
 all done, the wax was really easy to scrap off my stove and clean up
 I made 12 candles with a little bit of wax left over
 I saved the box my jars came in and put my finished candles in them

Baby's First Year

My baby is coming up on his First Birthday *sniff* so I was trying to figure out what to do for his year photo collage. For my oldest daughter I did a picture frame, for my second daughter I did a photo collage, and the boys I did nothing. Well I found these cute paper mache letters at Joanne's and decided to Mod Podge Pictures on them. First I painted them black, then I printed off black and white pictures on my laser printer on regular paper so it was easier to work with (and cheaper). I cut them up and layed them out. I did all the pictures in black and white except the first birthday and I did  that in color. Then I Mod Podge, it was easy and turned out great. I finished X's since he is 4 years old (I was a little behind) I will do Steelie's in a month.